NaF-18 Bone Scan

A bone scan is a nuclear radiology test that identifies abnormal changes in the skeletal system. It may help evaluate bone disease, bone cancer, or bone tissue affected when cancer has spread from other areas in the body.

Radiologists have used 18-F Sodium Fluoride (NaF-18) to view abnormal activity in bone since the U.S. Food and Drug Administration first approved it in 1972. NaF-18 bone scans are more specific and sensitive than conventional bone scans, providing high contrast images on PET/CT scans within about an hour of injection.

PET/CT bone scans are painless procedures, although the injection of sodium fluoride may cause discomfort, and the process can take several hours from initial injection to final image.

By combining the sensitivity of Sodium Fluoride-18 with the precision of the GE Discovery ST PET/CT scanner, Mobile Molecular Imaging provides the most up-to-date technology with superior detail and pinpoint accuracy for distinguishing benign from malignant bone lesions.